April 23, 2011

Fun Without Lots of Funds

Even if you don't expect to get rich from ministry, you feel really poor sometimes. These discoveries come randomly. You may look down to see that you are eating your second Ramen noodle dinner of the week, or you find yourself Googling "children's shoes that grow with their feet." You need some fun!

Those who pour themselves out in ministry need rest and relaxation. With some creative thinking, you can have fun without spending a lot. Here are some ways to entertain yourself.

Take a look. It's in a book. Go to your local library for e-books, DVDs, CDs, magazines, children’s' story hours, and used book sales. My library card is good in any town library in the state. Every week, the library reserves Sport's Illustrated (minus the swimsuit issue) for my husband and calls our house to let him know it is there.

Learn from experts. Many of the women’s' magazines (see library above) have hints on how to have fun without spending too much money. In our current economy, the number of money-saving articles about kids activities, travel, and shopping has multiplied.

Be in tune with your town. Look for flyers posted in your town/city and upcoming events listings in publications for free events like concerts and festivals. Without spending money, I cheered at parades, got my face painted, played with prototypes of technological inventions, saw fireworks and came home with some cool freebies.

Get credit for being clergy. Some stores and organizations offer discounts to members of the clergy and their families. Once my husband and I got free room and board at the Chautauqua Institution, which is a cultural haven with religious roots. We heard Sarah Vaughn and watched a Shakespearean play by a national-known troupe.

Just say, “yes.” When you are invited to a celebration or dinner at someone’s home, go. If someone in your church or circle of friends offers their vacation home or timeshare, use it. I have benefited from other’s hospitality and generosity.

Take a “staycation.” My state’s governor promoted staycations (taking a family vacation at home). She encouraged hiking the region’s trails, visiting art and history museums, and seeing local sites as a tourist in your own state.

Once, I heard someone say, “Come apart before you come apart,” based on Mark 6:31, 32. Good advice. I hope you rest and have some inexpensive fun. Let us know what creative ideas you pursued this week.

1 comment:

  1. What cheap fun did I have this week? We took the kids to the neighborhood Easter egg hunt. Then (should I confess this?) we doubled the free fun by re-hiding and re-finding the eggs in our own backyard.


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