About Us
A mother-daughter team. While on a family vacation to the Gulf of Mexico in 2011, Patsy and Megan launched Sunday Women. Initially, this blog connected the mother-daughter bloggers across 1,300 miles. Now, they live much closer, but join together here to reach ministry women around the world. Patsy and Megan's ongoing focus is to be true to the Scriptures, to communicate clearly about the unique challenges for ministry women and to provide encouragement that God himself is our chief delight.

Patsy Evans, by God's grace, matured from being a girl who didn't want to go to evening service because she would miss her favorite TV show. Now, she prays for people to see the value of attending church.
Her God is a faithful God, keeping His covenant of love. Her church for the last 35 years is The Presbyterian Church of Coventry (PCA), where her husband, Brad, serves as the senior pastor. Her important work was raising Megan, a corner pillar cut for the structure of a palace, and Brent, a plant full grown and a pastor.
Patsy, who has a degree in journalism from Penn State, writes about agricultural, health and environmental subjects at the University of Connecticut. In addition, she contributed to "Preaching to Myself," her husband's health journey blog on CaringBridge.com.
With God’s help, Megan Hill takes care of her three children and writes a few words every day. Her husband Rob is the pastor of West Springfield Covenant Community Church (PCA) in West Springfield, Massachusetts. She believes her "job" as a pastor's wife is simply to love and encourage Christ's church. She doesn't play the piano or organize the women's ministry, but she is thankful for the opportunity to participate in the ordinary life of the church and to see the name of Christ exalted there.
Outside of her local church, Megan enjoys writing and speaking in a variety of contexts. She serves on the editorial board for Christianity Today and is a regular contributor to Her.meneutics and to The Gospel Coalition. Additionally, she is the author of articles for Tabletalk, Focus on the Family, Christianity Today, byFaith, Desiring God, The Aquila Report, The Clarion-Ledger, Challies.com, The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, reformation21, The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, 9Marks Journal, and Whole Magazine. Her new book, Praying Together, was released by Crossway in 2016. You can follow her on Twitter @mevanshill