June 3, 2011

Raising Ministry Kids Who Love the Church, Part 1: Ministry Kids Are Sinners Who Need a Savior

Question #19 of the catechism for young children is a regular at our dinner table.  When my husband asks, “Have you a soul as well as a body?,” the answer brings a lump to my throat every time my three-year-old says it: “Yes, I have a soul that will never die.”

As parents, we must urgently remind ourselves: our children, ministry kids, have souls that will never die! In this sense, ministry kids are no different from any other children. They are sinners and need Christ the Savior.

But ministry kids are different. God has been gracious to give them extraordinary privilege; they are different from other children because they are those “to whom much has been given” (Luke 12:48)

  • Ministry kids live in a Christ-exalting home. They have parents who love Christ and who are “able to teach” (I Timothy 3:2). Your kids have their own personal ministry team on retainer 24/7!
  • Ministry kids also “live” at the church. Chances you’re your ministry kids have the privilege of worshipping every Lord’s Day, and faithfully attending Sunday School, prayer meetings, vacation Bible schools, and youth group. In their growing-up years, your children will have thousands of opportunities to hear God’s Word explained---probably more than any other group of children on earth. What a privilege!
So, how can moms of ministry kids direct their children, privileged but sinners, to the Savior?
First, Consciously Make Your Children’s Souls a Priority. No matter how many ladies’ retreats you lead, teenagers you disciple, or Bible studies you organize, these will never have the impact on souls that the daily nurture and admonition of the Lord in the home will have on your children. 2 Timothy 1:5 reminds us that it wasn’t the Apostle Paul who had the most fundamental spiritual influence on Timothy—it was Lois and Eunice, his godly mother and grandmother. Your children’s souls are your primary mission field, ministry, and calling.

Second, Do What Every Christian Parent is Called to Do.
  • Be holy. Our children should see us as examples of love for the Lord in heart and conduct.
  • Pray for your children. Psalm 127 tells us: “unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain that build it.”
  • Teach your children the Scriptures diligently: talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. (Deuteronomy 6:7) As I said before, ministry children have parents who are “able to teach;” let’s not neglect to use our gifts for the good of the souls of our children.
  • Pay attention to your childrens' souls by exposing their sin, rightly directing their actions, and pointing them to Christ at every turn.
I think of my children as an empty fireplace. My job as their parent is to faithfully fill them with sticks of wood—one Bible verse, hymn, or prayer at a time. Then, I ask the Spirit to set that pile of tinder on fire, so it burns brightly to His glory!

May He be pleased to do so in my kids and yours.

In two weeks, I'll return to this topic with Part 2: Ministry Kids Are Children Who Need Parents


  1. Thank you, Megan. I think it is easy for moms to feel the pull of "doing" outside the home. I know that sometimes I feel guilty for not doing more ministry, and then I remind myself (or my husband gently reminds me) that God has called me to minister to our children. He gave us these children. Though I love to minister to other people, if I neglect my children for the apparent goal of ministry outside the home, then I am disobeying God. I say "apparent goal" because I think that there's a large part of me that does such ministry (when neglecting my family) because of my sinful fear of man. (how's that for a convoluted sentence)
    There used to be a blog called The Stay-At-Home Missionary, where a lady wrote about ministry in the home on the mission field. She doesn't write anymore, but I still remember many of her posts, and this one is along the same lines.
    Anyway, my first mission field is my children. Thanks for the reminder!
    Love you!

  2. I agree, CristyLynn. Praise God for all the women who have a great impact at home! Many of history's well-known Christians had mothers who faithfully prayed for them. Let's remember the mission field under our roof.

  3. Right on target! I like your image of the children as an empty fireplace.


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