June 15, 2011

Happy #7: Father's Day Gift

2011. . .shhh!
For the third Father's Day in a row, Rob is getting a tie. . .only better. I let the kids pick out a tie for him (they like stripes). Then, when he's gone at general assembly, we use a few bottles of fabric paint on white t-shirts to copy the tie they chose for their daddy. On Father's Day, all three of them wear their matching "ties" to church.

You can find the instructions for these tie shirts from Family Fun magazine here. I don't actually use the freezer paper they suggest; I just tape off a tie-shaped stencil using masking tape.

This project is inexpensive, kid-friendly, and fun. That makes me happy.


  1. This looks really fun! Great idea when you have all sons.

  2. Apart from Father's Day, the shirts would be a good project to plan for the boys at VBS, afterschool care, or summer camp.

    And, I'd also like to do it for a baby shower gift: a tie for the dad-to-be with a matching "tie" onsie for the baby.

  3. Megan, I have to tell you what Isaiah did for Father's Day (though I hope to one day blog about, too). He chose to make a cake for Daddy, though not an edible one. He CUT WITH SCISSORS! I was so proud! It took us about 4 days, but we got everything done, with happy hearts, no less! Anyway, just wanted to share that "happy" with you. :)

  4. CristyLynn: so cute! I'm always happy to see our little boys showing love and affection for their daddies!


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